Blogs have been fashionable for several years now and allow a user to post interesting content for free on the web. Succesfull blogs are well read by thousands of readers and some have even led to book contracts or freelance writing contracts. Businesses use it to highlight their skills / experience whilst also building a relationship with existing clients and attracting new customers.

It can be chatty, informative, helpful or thought provoking.It can also damage your reputation if the content is poorly written or the content does not hold up under scrutiny. You need to be very sure of your material before posting and write it in such a manner that is easy to follow and assimilate.

Once you have your blogging platform set up you can then create your design. You can use one of the templates or import/create your own.

Blogging Sites

There are a number of sites that allow you to set up a blog for free but remember millions of people do this so what you write and the content you add has to be interesting enough for people to find it and read it. The more people like and read it the easier people will find you.

This list is not definative but just a starting point for those who want to set up their own blog.