Social Networking sites have been popular for years now. It can be an inexpensive way to determine if people like what your business has to offer and whether they are prepared to follow you and receive updates. If what you are doing is not working you can try something new with just the cost of thinking and creating a vibrant campaign. Succesfull networkers are followed/liked by thousands of fellow networkers. Businesses use it to highlight their skills / experience whilst also building a relationship with existing clients and attracting new customers. Be aware that there is a lot of competition and no magic formulae to build a succesful network.

The rules apply as face to face contact. You have to make an effort and you need to listen and assimilate any advice or comments. You can never satisfy everyone but you can find what works for your business. Understand what your clients want and need and provide it. If they make enquiries about a new product, keep them informed so they know when it will be available and at what cost.

On facebook, you tube or twitter remain professional at all times. Just because they can not see you does not mean they will not judge you. Check and re-check your content for any mistakes as they will come back to bite you.